Organic Chemistry Research (Org. Chem. Res.)

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About this Journal

Organic Chemistry Research is an international peer-reviewed, open access journal that covers all aspects of organic chemistry. The journal publishes original papers of high scientific level in the form of Full Papers, Short Communications and Reviews. All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous blind peer review.

Journal Scope

Organic Chemistry Research (Org. Chem. Res.) welcomes original fundamental and applied contributions in all branches of theory and practice of organic chemistry, in contexts of Full Paper, Short Communications and Reviews.

Key topics include:

Synthesis  Mechanism Spectroscopy Photochemistry Catalysis Nano-organic Organometallic Theoretical and Computational  Physical Organic Bio-organic Phyto-organic Medicinal Polymer Industrial Supramolecular chemistry



Iranian Chemical Society, No. 7, Maragheh Street, Ostad Nejatollahi Avenue, P.O. Box. 15875-1169, Tehran, Iran

Current Issue: Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2023